Saturday, September 24, 2011


My Dad died last Saturday, September 17th at 7:15 pm. My Mom, I, and my two brothers were with him as he left. Our sister was in Iowa. I will write later what a great man and wonderful dad his was. Right now I am beyond depressed, beyond sad, and am just making it through each day by working with my Mom on all of the paperwork. He is being cremated and will be at home with my Mom. Please say a million prayers for him. He was a great man who was respected, admired, and more importantly, loved, by thousands of friends and family. The hole in my heart is huge and it's where he use to be.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

MIA Lately

I've been MIA lately because my Dad has been in the hospital. I'll be on again, off again until I know he's better. Say lots of prayers for him please.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 911

Last year I did this lo about 911 for LSNED. I'm reposting it here today as a way of remembering all who were lost, not only in the New York WTC, but in Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pa. I'm also remembering all those who have died fighting the war against terrorism. Freedom isn't free the saying goes, but I wish stupid men and their wars over religion would stop. God, Allah, or whoever you worship doesn't support you slaughtering innocent people. It's men with all their greed for power and money who cause all the problems in the world.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten Things - September 2011

Ten things where local events are something to both treasure and regret going to.  :)

1.  The parade - It's the anticipation of going to the parade that works you up. Once it's started, you get to see friends, bands, local politicians, and even some weirdos. The fire trucks are always fun too. I miss all the local high school bands that use to go and I wonder why so few come now. I also miss the horses at the end of the parade.

2.  Walking around the park event - it's nice to walk around because you get to see people you don't normally get to see all the time. It's more so now that my DD is in a different school district than all of her friends from pre-K. The only part is walking around for five hours with a five years old leads to a ton of whining toward the end because they get tired. And I get cranky because it was excessively hot and humid today.

3.  The food - It's always good, but the prices may be a little high at certain booths due to them being fundraisers. Funnel cake, crab dip, meatball sandwiches, ice cream, popcorn, the list goes on and on. I had some chocolate ice cream and split a funnel cake with my DD. Waaaay too many empty calories.

4.  The rides - Always overpriced and you wonder just how safe they are, but you still let your kids get on them, just as your parents let you ride the same rides when you were little. The Dragon Coaster, the cars, the little ferris wheel, the small carousel, and the little bouncy bugs are standard fair. No matter how lame the rides may be, they are the best thing in the world to a little five year old whose face lights up with excitement while they're on them.

5.  The parking - You either have to walk forever across the field or if you're lucky, you get a spot pretty close to the fair. It's events like these that make you wish you were one of those people there with a camper so they could spend the day in comfort and not go home for a few hours to relax before the fireworks. They go back to their campers, eat relax, use a clean bathroom, and don't worry about fighting the traffic out after the fair is over.

6.  The fireworks - They're on a smaller scale than what you would get at a professional ball game, but they always make you feel happy and like a little kid again. It's even better when you share them with a child so you can look at their face and see the wonder and magic reflected in their eyes.

7.  The weirdos or the people missing a few cards from their deck - Every fair has them. The tween girl who is fifty pounds overweight wearing clothes three sizes too small. The same girl with her hair dyed a bright shocking pink, who in her mind, thinks she's all that and a bag of chips. Seriously...really? The woman in the parade who was on Howard Stern, dressed in some princess outfit. Underdog woman was her name then. She's been at the Septemberfest for a few years now and you wonder what goes on in that mind of hers. The boys who insist on wearing their pants hanging off their butts still. Another seriously...that is so over. It was stupid when it came out and it's still stupid now. The parents who let their kids under the age of ten come to the fair by themselves. Have they seen the people who come to fairs? Letting your child come to a fair alone is NOT a good idea.

8.  The crafts - They have a ton of booths with local crafters selling everything from hair clips, to home decor, to jewelry, and sand art. Try getting your child away from one of these things without them screaming for you to buy them something. If your child is the well mannered one, then I am happy for you. Mine is the one who cries and says life isn't fair when I say no. Punishment, timeouts, not buying doesn't work. I'm hoping it's a phase she'll grow out of because all it does is make me not want to go near the booths and it's hard to do that because I like to look at the crafts for ideas.

9.  The photos - Even though I ended up taking my little point and shoot today, the fair is always a great photo op time. You get lots of colors and tons of smiles that will look great on a scrapbook page.

10.  The memories  -  Local events give you a ton of great memories. Even with the whining, the crying, the heat, the humidity, the biting still get the rides, the fireworks, the family time, and the chance to talk to friends at a relaxed event. Fairs and local events are what makes great childhood memories and that's why we still go to them as adults. We like to capture a little bit of that magic back for ourselves and share it with our children.

Friday, September 9, 2011

LSNED - Day 9

I used a Friday Five idea for this simple digi.

LSNED - Day 8

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LSNED - Day 7

Spring Kit by Shannon Jackson at freedigitalscrapbooking dot com.

Tragedy in the World of Hockey

Lokomotiv Yaroslavl (KHL)  -  Sept. 7, 2011

A Yak-42 airliner carrying the Kontinental Hockey League team to its season-opener in Minsk, Russia, went down into the Volga River shortly after take-off, killing 43 of the 45 passengers and crew. Among the victims were former NHLers such as Brad McCrimmon, who was about to coach his first game with the team, Pavol Demitra, Josef Vasicek, Ruslan Salei, Karel Rachunek, Josef Vasicek and Alexander Karpovtsev. It was the second air crash involving a Russian hockey squad. In 1950, a plane carrying the Soviet Air Force team crashed near the city of Sverdlov, killing 13 members and officials.

RIP ex-Flyer defenseman Brad McCrimmon and all those on board.

LSNED - Day 6

I know this is Day 6 and my photo's from the 5th, but I wanted to do this simple one. I love my DD's smile.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

LSNED - Day 5

All digi from the Sweet Shoppe Designs Memories kit.

End of an Era :(

Tomorrow ends an era for me. My DD will be going to all day kindergarten. I am going to miss her being in pre-K. With pre-K I was as involved as I wanted to be. It was a co-op school and for three years I got to document all the parties, daily classes, and all that went into her shortened day at school. I watched her grow and learn. Now I will be only allowed limited views of her school days. I can volunteer to come in to read a book or two. I don't even know yet if I can come in on party days. The other hard part is my other half now expects me to work outside the home. I will be expected to do everything I pack into a normal day, drive her to and from school because the busing program the school district was supposed to supply never happened, and I'm expected to some how work during the day. I'm getting my substitute teaching license (total cost to get that is over $300.00) and there's no guaranteeing work due to it being a bad area for jobs. So I'm a bit stressed at the moment because that means if I work, I'll also have to see how much the latchkey program at the school will cost because I won't be able to pick her up or drop her off and get myself to the school that may want me to sub for them. I'm trying to do some other things to bring in money for myself. That's the main issue. He doesn't want to pay for anything I do. So if I want to play hockey, do scrapbooking, or send Bink to dance or scouts, I need to pay for it all. So there's the stress. All I can do is cross my fingers and see if I can get sub jobs at her school and the hours workout so I can still pick her up in time. And if I can sell some personal possessions, that would give me extra income. And my other little thing I'm going to do is try and write some children's books. Wish me luck, because like many of you out there, the road is going to be a bumpy one and any luck is better than nothing at all.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Beer Label Fun

Hubby needed a beer label for one of his home brews, so I did some Photoshop fun and made this. It's Mr. Burns, the groundskeeper, and one of Homers beer glasses. I only wish I were as creative as the illustrators who thought up these characters.

LSNED - Day 3

Friday, September 2, 2011

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

Lol...I really love that title. So today is Friday and I have a winner for the free My Memories software. I had only two entries for it, so I wrote down the numbers one and two on pieces of paper, rolled them up, shook them around in my hands, threw them down on the floor, and picked one back up. So the lucky number was two and that means Anne, you were the second one to post, are my winner! I'll be e-mailing you tomorrow the instructions on how to download your new digi software. Congrats and thank you to My Memories for sponsoring this giveaway!

Mail Art Exchange

This is the really pretty mail art I received today from Ginger. I'll be mailing my card to her tomorrow because I just finished it. :)

LSNED - Day 2

Thursday, September 1, 2011

LSNED - Day 1

I've never done a digi project, so this is a first. It'll be hard for me to do as I'm a paper person. I like to feel things, ink edges, mess it up a bit. The format is 4 x 6 so I can print all the little pages out and put them in a little brag book later. Wish me luck on this! I used papers and elements from one of the Shabby Princess digi kits.