Friday, May 27, 2011

Great News!

New Jersey has a Choice School program starting this year. That means we can apply to send Bink to another school outside our district. We did the application, crossed our fingers and said prayers, and today we received our answer. Bink will be going to another school. A much better school in my opinion. I went there as a child, my siblings, my mom, my cousins, aunts and uncles went there. They have one kindergarten class as opposed to the ten classes where we live. That means she'll be one of less than twenty students, not one out of over two hundred. This school still celebrates Christmas and has great teachers. I'm so happy she made it!

May LOAD - Day 27

Creative Memories stickers, Tecnique Tuesday star stamp, Zig black pen, Recollection cardstock, can't remember name of pp.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May LOAD - Day 26

Fancy Pants Dancing Girl pp and stickers. Fussy cut heart, doodled letters, Want 2 Scrap pearls, Sakura Gelly pen, Zig black pen, and EK Success punch.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May LOAD - Day 25

Chipboard shapes and letters, Recollections craft paper.

May LOAD - Day 24

GCD Homespun Chic Antique Audrey pp. Melody Ross frame. Ink It Up brown and black ink. Creme cardstock. Martha Stewart corner punch. Unknown letters.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May LOAD - Day 23

BoBunny and My Minds Eye pp. Martha Stewart and Cats Eye Chalk inks. Stampin' Up and Ink It Up inks. Vintage buttons. Clear stamp. Recollection kraft paper.

May LOAD - Day 22

Scraplifted from Alissa Fast's be yourself lo. Echo Park pp and stickers. I know this isn't the greatest photo to scrap, but I love her in this and how her eyes are looking to the action that was going on in the yard around her. She was having her own adventure in the sandbox, but was afraid she's miss out on something else in the yard.   :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

May LOAD - Day 21

Scraplifted from Stacey Michaud's Mirror Image lo. Echo Park pp and stickers. Recollections craft cardstock.

May LOAD - Day 20

Adapted from a round Pagemap.

May LOAD - Day 19

Echo Park pp and stickers. iRock metal dots.

May LOAD - Day 18

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May LOAD - Day 17

My MInds Eye diecut paper and K & Company embellie pack diecuts.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the World :)

It's not age appropriate since it has cursing and implied cursing, but with the prediction about the world ending today at 6:00 pm, I thought this was a bit funny.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May LOAD - Day 16

Another scraplift from Shimelle. This time it's from her lo called Family Portrait. Papers are GCD Homespun Chic, Stampin' Up, and some Bella Blvd. cut outs words and flower. Ribbon is American Crafts. Basic Grey brad, and SEI letters. Also used a glitter gelly roll  and blue ink Sakura pens.

May LOAD - Day 15

Scraplifted from Stephanie Howell's lo called the Essentials. I used less embellies and no title. I find I really don't like doing titles all that much and force myself to do them. Not on this lo. Papers are GCD Homespun Chic and Bazzill basic cardstock.

May LOAD - Day 14

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May LOAD - Day 13

Based on the Shimelle's sketch:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

May LOAD - Day 11

Not the best photo of this lo, but I am too tired to retake it. The lighting in my craft room is horrible. All I have is one single 60 watt lamp. :-P  Adapted from a May 2011 Pagemap.

Memory Lane in Quakertown PA closing!

I went to a hockey tourney in Warminster, PA this past weekend. I figured I take the time to drive the thirty minutes out of my way to finally visit the scrap store called Memory Lane in Quakertown, PA. I was glad I did as they have soooooo many things that you see in the big scrap mags and you can't find them at the box craft stores. They're only a few miles off of the PA Turnpike exit, but I drove right by the location because there's NO sign out front. You would totally miss the place because it's way back in a Fastnel site. I think that may be the biggest reason they're closing. That's right. Another scrap store is closing. This type of store needs to be in a heavy traffic area that some woman or crafter would randomly drive by and see. That's how I found one store in Lancaster, PA. It's really a shame because the staff was nice, the store was jam packed with great stuff, and they host crops and classes. Hopefully some of you will take a ride there before it closes. Better yet, I'm hoping they some how survive.

Memory Lane, PA
2415 John Fries Highway
Quakertown, PA 18951

(215) 529-9194

A LOAD behind!

I'm really behind on LOAD this time because I went away on a hockey tourney and missed four nights of layouts. I will catch up this month though. I want to do every prompt. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May LOAD - Day 8

Page kit: Melissa Frances, Sugar and Spice.

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May LOAD - Day 7

Since my last two or three los have been scraplifted, I did a simple page of my own.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mail Art Exchange!

I received my mail art today from Julie Ann and was wowed by her envelope and card. Plus she gave me RAK and the fact that I didn't think to do that when I sent my card makes me feel like a heal. I'll have to fix that later. So here, what she sent me. Tell me this isn't beautiful! The cloth stitched onto the envelope is awesome!

May LOAD - Day 6

Inspired by Shimelle's Too Good to Miss lo. I'm going to redo the journaling later. The marker bled and is way too bright for the page.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May LOAD - Day 5

Used Pagemaps May 2011 map.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May LOAD - Day 4

I know I saw this lo somewhere over at Two Peas, but I can't remember who did it, I just know I liked the swirls and remembered it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Motherhood Matters

Mandy Douglas posted this at her web site and I figured I'd pass it on.

I am a mother. A mother of one child who struggles day to day with the little things and the big. I'm a mother who cooks (admittedly not very well), cleans, and cares for a beautiful 5 year old. I'm a mother who is taken for granted, and I know many of you feel the same. I've been called a mother (insert expletive here), and that's not the nicest title, but it's one of those hats we get saddled with throughout life. I am a mother who tries to do her best, but too many people feel it's never good enough. Well I say tough. Deal with it because I am who I am and that's all I can be.

May LOAD - Day 3

Scraplifted from Shimelle's Seaside Hike lo.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May LOAD - Day 2

Osama is Dead

It's a sad day when we celebrate the death of someone, but when that someone murders people and directs other to take lives, then it's something that had to be done. Osama is dead and so are others within his immediate group. The bad part is now coming. You will have his followers going around and killing innocent people. They will kill children again without blinking an eye and they'll sleep peacefully after doing so. They are inhuman.

There's a second bad part to this too. We will all be keeping a watchful eye but there will also be people who will take it to an extreme and attack innocent people based simply on how they look or their religion. Please don't be one of those kinds of people. They're not responsible for the actions of that mad man any more than we're responsible for the actions of our politicians.

God Bless America and our military. Remember 911 and all those whose lives have been sacrificed here and overseas.

Sunday, May 1, 2011